Kenzap Core theme is a minimalistic WordPress theme developed to work together with Gutenberg content editor in WordPress.
By default all premium and even free themes add additional overhead that may slow down your website or result in conflicts when used together with third-party plugins and Gutenberg blocks.

The global idea behind this theme is to actually get rid of the classical theme concept that was used over the years (before Gutenberg editor was introduced) and switch to a more block-like approach while being part of a unified design system.
In oder to ensure these types of problems do not happen again Kenzap Core theme excludes these things by default:
- No custom CSS styles that should affect the block preview
- No custom designed HTML elements or shortcode registrations
- No third party Page Builder support
- Lightweight PHP structure
- No headers or footers
- No sidebars
The code of Kenzap Core is not completely empty though. It adds seamless support for WooCommerce, Blog pages and provides a layer for Design System located under Appearance > Design System of your WordPress admin.
Important to note that it loads necessary components only when it needs to by checking the class/plugin existence.
The Design System is a tiny framework that sets global styling settings for Gutenberg blocks. Example:
- Font Pairs
- Content width
- Content paddings
- Choice of color palettes for Gutenberg blocks
- Other global styling settings
Why Core Theme is Needed?
While this feature is designed to be used with any third party developed blocks it works perfectly with the blocks developed by Kenzap because it adds unified system on how styling settings can be applied globally to each block with just one click.
In case you need a clarification the block is any component on the website like testimonials section, contact form, heading or even the header and footer themselves are blocks.
Who uses Kenzap Core?
Kenzap Core theme is being used in every Kenzap product. For example, even this blog is powered by Kenzap Core theme and it loads fast.